Monday, December 29, 2014

Goodbye to overwork your skin such as New Year's Eve

Would you like to receive 2015 featured Sahrah with your loved ones, but you want quickly get rid of signs of fatigue, bloating and wilt on your skin?

 If, class of this program for a period of one week you get to a bright complexion and Menthah through appropriate New Year.

 وداعاً لإرهاق بشرتك قبيل رأس السنة

- Make sure during this week to sleep early and regularly thereafter, Vhz contributes to a renewal of skin cells and makes it tight and bright.

- Eat a morning cup of water with a few drops of lemon juice to flush out toxins from your skin, it gives your skin will be pink and removes yellowing and signs of fatigue them.

النوم مبكرا يساعد على تجديد خلايا البشرة

-tnola Brewer's yeast tablets three times a day (Tgdenha in pharmacies), they are rich in vitamin family, "b", which earn your skin smoother and remove facial blisters, especially acne.

- Use a mask peeled to remove dead cells from the skin (once a week), and we recommend Pmask yogurt (curd) with a little sugar. Leave the mixture on your skin for 10 Dakka \ s then rinse with lukewarm water.

الماء البارد مع الليمون صباحا يجعل بشرتك رائعة

Moist skin twice during the week, natural oils, and we recommend sweet almond oil or coconut oil. These oils nourish your skin and dry struggling.

- Use am compresses the option to remove from the area around your eyes bulge, and evening compresses potatoes or used tea bags to get rid of dark circles around them.

- Moist lips moisturizer rich components of honey or oil and aloe vera to Alglseren you get on the lips smooth drought-resistant.

- Do not pass Tfota cube of ice on your face every day because he will tighten the skin and reducing wrinkles.

- Finally, I eat my meal daily fruit two hours after you eat the food, and between the two types of bananas, apples, oranges, avocados and grapes, they are one of the most nutritious fruits for your skin and granted by the freshness and softness struggling signs of aging.

كمادات الخيار تزيل الانتفاخ

This class weekly program, and get a fantastic beauty skin through appropriate New Year's Eve


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