Monday, December 29, 2014

The most beautiful carvings nails Ttagay at the end of the year

Tfnni draw your nails

تفنني برسم أظافرك

Atalaltk occasions will not be completed in the end of the year, but enough to give your hands toenails area of interest by selecting Embossing distinctive Manicure reflect the joys and adds elegance to a theme in general.
And decorated nails this season with carvings and colors inspired by the Christmas holiday Koloan red, green and gold colors of the cold winter Kalozark and white and silver with inscriptions attractive, and crystal beads adhesive so increase your nails luxurious and irresistible charm.
Atalaaa on the set pictures that we've taken you to the most beautiful colors and Nakecat, and Recruit them what fits occasions you will be in the end of the year, Ttagay beautiful and feminine.

Golden Black glamor and elegance

بريق الذهبي واناقة الأسود

Red charm turns off

سحر الأحمر لا ينطفئ

 مع حبات الكريستال

برودة الشتاء

ألوان تحاكي شجرة الميلاد

الأزرق ساحر بلونه

الثلوج تتناثر على أظافرك

الموف الأنيق

الوان تبعث البهجة

1 للرئيسية- سحر الفضي والأزرق من وحي الشتاء.


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